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The Fungal GATA Database


GATA transcription factors (TFs) are one of regulatory gene families widely identified in eukaryotes [1]. GATA TFs contain one or two highly conserved type IV zinc finger motifs (CX2X17–20CX2C) followed by a basic region that can bind to a consensus DNA sequence, WGATAR (W=T or A; R=G or A) [1, 2]. Based on the number of amino acids between two cysteines, type IVa (CX2CX17CX2C) usually found in mammalian [3] and fungal GATA TFs [2], type IVb (CX2CX18CX2C) [4] found in plant [5]. and fungal GATA TFs, and type IVc (CX2CX20CX2C) only in fungal GATA TFs [2, 6, 7] were identified till now. Moreover, number of zinc finger motifs in fungal GATA TFs are one or two; while plant GATA TFs have one and mammalian GATA TFs have several. Fungal GATA TFs are involved in diverse functions such as nitrogen control, siderophore biosynthesis, light-regulated photomorphogenesis, circadian regulation, and mating-type switching [1].


Now more than 500 fungal genomes are available for GATA transcription factors, so that we decided to construct fungal GATA TF database for indepth analyses. It was designed for researchers to conduct bioinfotmatic analysis together, so GlobalScrap® was implenemented too. Currently we covers genomes and GATA TFs were identified.